
Memorable Images

Art work

Man ray man-ray-photography-as-art-ingres-violin

Surrealist Man Ray created these two photographs on the left; not a real women but a crying mannequin crying man made tears, with eye-lashes heavily coated in mascara. The right photograph Le Violon d’ingres in which the model sit her back toward the camera and her body figure is accentuated by the note holes of a violin painted on her back.

In the first photograph here of Man Rays; the image is balance even though there are more tears and nose on the right of the image, i think the image is balanced by the mannequin’s eyes and the eyes are also the darkest and boldest feature within the image. The image is clear and not distracting and i think the cropping of this image has also strengthened the image. Man Ray’s work was offend inspired by things happening in his life; this image has cinematic styling the way the mannequins eye-lashes are made to be weathered and lacquered by mascara imitating the affects of water on mascara from crying eyes. This cinematic styling could be a influence of his work in film making or be more personal and reflective of his ended relations with his lover and assistant Lee Miller that had left him around the same time he had created this work. I am not sure the true inspiration of this work but the emotive is clear in the image. My interpretations are the eyes are looking up and away, this action of the eyes make the mannequin’s expression seem like they are distracted thinking about something else and the image looks sad because there are tears on the face.

Musical Performer 

nick cave with shadow









Nick Cave Australian musician; the image is clear and not distracting, the only distraction from the subject is his shadow but the shadow is still balanced within the image and is what makes the image unique. Nick Caves shadow in this image is metaphorical; the shadow looks thin, unhealthy and out of proportion. Probably the way the artist envisioned himself in a kind of poetic way.




I found a lot of great print advisements for Nike. On the left the image is of a vintage Nike print advertisement. The new print Nike advertisements are highly edited and dramatic. I have chosen a fairly new print advertisement of a baseball player hitting baseballs out of the park, into the sky and punching holes in to the clouds. In the bottom left corner of the image it says “deep”. I think the simplistic of the composition, the dramatic dark sky and the action of the subject the baseball player punching holes in the sky, plus the word “deep” that in this scenario the word would denote to strength and power. The combinations of this well captured image and the compatibility of the image to deep, that these techniques together have made a very strong and memorable image.


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